Thursday, September 24, 2015

Change is Inevitable

I have always been a believer that however strong you may be or however intelligent you are (which this person im going to talk about is not) you will need a good advisers or a team of good advisers but the display that was shown by our "Presidential Candidate" was just outright stupidity i mean did his advisers came up to him and said

Adviser : Hey boss we have found a great way to beat our competitors why don't we do push ups and seats up in public ?

M : Thats a very great idea lets do that.

Again i believe a great leader comes with the brain and not fists or strength, Tanzania doesn't need manguvu tunaitaji mtu who can think and point this sinking ship to the right direction about being in a bad health we have witnessed people who have done wonders even thought some parts of their bodies was failing on them E.g president Franklin D. Roosevelt who lead the United States during a time of worldwide economic depression and World War 2 and eventually putting US as one of the strongest countries in the world and he did all this when he was in his wheelchair. With Roosevelt during the war, unemployment dropped to 2%, and the industrial economy grew rapidly to new heights as millions of people moved to wartime factory jobs or entered military service. he died three months into his fourth term. He is often rated as one of the top three U.S. Presidents, along with Abraham Lincoln and George Washington.

Im just saying at the end of the day lets not just choose a leader because he can do push ups or seat ups but what he really got in his head and i honestly believe we can find that in Lowassa, he displayed that ability when he solved the school problems by introducing "Shule za Kata" which have helped hundred and thousands of students in Tanzania and he did all that when he was in power for a short period.

Change will never come in Tanzania if we will always be in fear of making a mistake we are humans and we always make mistakes and we learn from them and we keep moving, Lowassa might be a mistake but what if he is a Good Mistake ? People please lets not make the same mistakes we have been making all these years, i hear so many voices screaming to be heard and nothing nothing is being done to help them, there is so much to change in this country (Tanesco being one of them) so many opportunities to make it a great country but it will only be done if we get out of thinking like our Fathers and Grandfathers and start to think like the generation of tomorrow.

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